For optimum efficiency of the spraying treatment it is essential to choose the most appropriate nozzle for our needs because it is considered that the biological efficiency of a treatment depends to a large extent on the coverage and the size of the drops obtained by the nozzle.
The criteria to be taken into consideration in order to be able to choose the ideal nozzle for each situation are:
- Drop size: the nozzles are classified into 6 categories according to the range of drops produced and the potential risk of drift. It is always important to follow the instructions on the label of the phytosanitary product that we are going to use.
- Area to be sprayed, volume to be sprayed, speed of progress of the user and type of treatment (fungicide, insecticide, herbicide or liquid fertiliser).
- Operating pressure: in drop control and the efficiency of the application it is essential to keep the spraying conditions the same. At Matabi we have pressure regulators by means of which we can guarantee the even distribution of treatments, thus reducing consumption of water and phytosanitary product as well as frequency of pumping and risk of drift.
- Type of leaves: the treatment to be applied will differ depending on the leaves. For example, for plants with narrow, vertical leaves or stalks, spraying with fine drops is recommended. However, when the leaves are big and wide, larger drops are advised.
At Goizper, our range of nozzles complies with the following international standards:
- ISO 10625:2018 Colour coding.
- ISO 8169:1984 Phytosanitary treatment material. Hydraulic sprayers. Measurements of attachments for nozzles and pressure gauges.
Furthermore, we are the only manufacturer of manual nozzles to develop, design and manufacture its own nozzles, complying with the strictest quality standards.
At Matabi all our backpack units have a standard set of nozzles, allowing different types of application to be carried out (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides). They also include an elbow with its respective filter:

In addition to this set, we have a very wide range of nozzles:
Fan nozzles
This type of nozzle is ideal for selective herbicides in post-emergence contact that require good coverage and even distribution. General use at low pressure and at 3 bar with fungicides and insecticides. Available in two angles of application, 80° and 110°.

Low drift fan nozzles
Designed for reducing drift with good coverage both at 1.5 and 3 bar, our second group of nozzles is the most appropriate for pre-emergence and post-emergence systemic herbicide treatments. It is also an appropriate nozzle for applying systemic fungicides and insecticides where medium-sized drops are required.

Defector nozzles
To be used when spraying with a larger drop size is required since they have a wide angle of aperture. These nozzles with greater flow rates (larger holes) and at low pressure produce large drops thus reducing the risk of drift. Their use is recommended in applications of herbicides, usually in pre-emergence in large areas and at low pressure (1.5 bar).

Air induction nozzles (foam)
Recommended for application of non-selective herbicides where a larger drop size is required, thus reducing the risk of drift. Thanks to the venturi effect injecting air into the drops, they produce very large drops. We advise using them with pressure of 3 bar to guarantee drop size and even distribution.

Disc nozzles
When fine drops are required for treating sprigs or for good penetration, disc nozzles should be used. Recommended for spraying with full coverage in applications of fungicides or insecticides. With a hollow cone shape, the recommended operating pressure is 3 bar.

Special nozzles
Our last group of nozzles is ideal for applications of fungicides and insecticides in various crops that require fine drops. These nozzles are in the shape of hollow cones that overlap each other to create a full cone. Recommended for working with a pressure of 3 bar.

More information about using Matabi nozzles is available in the following video: